Vincenzo De Maio

Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ TU Wien


  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ TU Wien
  • Co-PI of the FFG Leitprojekt „HPQC“


Integration of Quantum Computers in the Computational Continuum using Cloud Technologies

Samstag, 01.Februar: 14:45 – 15:15

"My research interests lie at the intersection between HPC and Quantum Computing. In his talk, I will present my work on the use of Cloud Technologies for the integration of Quantum Computers in the Computational Continuum."
Vincenzo De Maio
Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ TU Wien

Integration of Quantum Computers in the Computational Continuum using Cloud Technologies

Dr. Vincenzo De Maio got his PhD in Innsbruck with a thesis about Sustainable Cloud Computing. Since 2017, he is working in TU Wien, in the group of prof. Ivona Brandic. He has authored more than 30 papers on different topics, ranging from energy efficiency in Cloud/Edge Infrastructure, Mobile Computing and Resource Allocation in Distributed Systems. He is Co-PI if the FFG Leitproject HPQC, whose goal is the integration of a quantum system into a HPC infrastructure. His research interests lie at the intersection between HPC and Quantum computing. In his talk, he will describe his work on the utilization of Cloud technologies for the integration of Quantum Computers in the computational continuum.